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A Taste of Britain - The English Shop Frankfurt

Oeder Weg 34
069 95929474
069 95929475

A Taste of Britain is the English Shop in Frankfurt or British Shop which sells only English & British food. The English Food items include Scones, Clotted Cream, bacon, sausages, Cheedar Cheese, Stilton, English Bread. The English Shop also has Cadbury chocolate, Walkers Crisps, Heinz Baked Beans and a very large range of English Tea (Tee)wich includes Tetley, PG Tips, Twinings Tee, Yorkshire Tea etc. The British Shop in Frankfurt is the best place to find English Food, English Beer (including Guinness) and all the other British Foods such as Marmite, Marmalade, Steak & Kidney Pies etc.



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